Swargate to Kalyan ST Bus Timetable | Swargate to Kalyan Shivsahi Bus Timetable | Swargate to Kalyan MSRTC Bus Timetable | Swargate to Kalyan AC Bus Timetable |Swargate to Kalyan Bus Timetable
Pune to Kalyan ST Bus Timetable
From Swargate to Kalyan, there are a total of 46 buses operated by seven different depots, which travel via Kalyan to their respective destinations throughout the day. To reach Kalyan, you can also depart from Shivajinagar, Wakdewadi, or the Pune Railway Station bus stands.
There are 25 Shivshahi buses that go to Kalyan. The first Shivshahi bus departs from Swargate at 5:45 a.m., and the last one leaves at 10:45 p.m. Additionally, two buses bound for Bidar also travel via Kalyan: one departs at 6:30 a.m., and the other an hour later, at 7:30 a.m.
The buses heading to Jawhar, both of which pass through Kalyan, depart at 7:00 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. There are a total of nine buses to Bhiwandi via Kalyan, with the first leaving at 7:00 a.m. and the last departing from Swargate at 1:45 a.m. (midnight).
There are eight ordinary buses to Kalyan. The first leaves at 7:00 a.m., and the last departs at 10:30 p.m. Additionally, one bus to Palghar travels via Kalyan, departing from Swargate at 10:00 a.m.
Departure Time | Bus Route | Bus Type |
10:00 | Palghar | |
07:00 11:30 13:00 13:15 16:00 16:30 18:30 22:30 | Kalyan | |
07:00 11:30 | Jawhar | |
06:30 07:30 | Bidar | |
07:00 10:00 11:00 11:30 12:45 13:00 17:00 00:30 01:45 | Bhivandi | |
5:45 | Swargate, Pune To Kalyan Via Chandani Chowk Bus | Shivshahi |
6:15 | Swargate, Pune To Kalyan Bus | Shivshahi |
6:45 | Swargate, Pune To Kalyan Bus | Shivshahi |
8:15 | Swargate, Pune To Kalyan Bus | Shivshahi |
10:15 | Swargate, Pune To Kalyan Bus | Shivshahi |
11:15 | Swargate, Pune To Kalyan Bus | Shivshahi |
13:15 | Swargate, Pune To Kalyan Bus | Shivshahi |
15:45 | Swargate, Pune To Kalyan Bus | Shivshahi |
18:15 | Swargate, Pune To Kalyan Bus | Shivshahi |
20:15 | Swargate, Pune To Kalyan Bus | Shivshahi |
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